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《灵界经历》 第6047节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6047

6047. About houses and apartments there

About Duker 1

He was with me several weeks, and he was insane due to his exalted self-opinion. After this he was let down into the house that he had been in earlier. The house he had was quite large, [with space] also for domestics, and from there a certain one spoke with me saying the rooms were of different natures, so that in one room he was a senator, in the second a general, in the third an ofwerste 2, in the fourth captain and so on. There was even one room in which he had no eminent position at all. But he loved to be in the room where he was a Senator; and there his mind swelled, on which account he was insane there. Nevertheless, he loved this room more than others although he was mad there. Therefore he was taken out of it. And he wanted to serve Charles the 12th 3and did insane things in such a way that he was a devil.


1. Gustav Ducker (1663ֱ732) a general in the Swedish army under Charles XII.

2. Swedish for "colonel"

3. For information on this person see footnote to passage 4704.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6047


He was with me several weeks, and was insane, by reason of the loftiness of his mind. He was afterwards let down into his house, where he had been previously. He had quite a large house, and [room] for domestics; and a certain one spoke to me from the house, and said that the apartments there were distinct, in such fashion, that in one chamber he was a senator, in another a general, in a third a chief, 1in a fourth a captain, and so on: in one chamber, however, not in any great dignity. But he loved to be in the chamber where he was a senator; and, in that, he became inflated in mind, on which account, there, he was insane; but yet he loved that chamber more than the others, although he was insane there. Therefore, he was brought forth therefrom; and he wished to serve C[harles] XII. He also did insane things; so that he was a devil.


1. Swedish, ofwerst.

Experientiae Spirituales 6047 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6047. De domibus et conclavibus ibi

De Duker

Erat apud me aliquot septimanas, et erat insanus ex altitudine mentis suae, postea demissus est ubi prius fuerat in domum suam, quam habuit satis magnam, etiam pro domesticis, et inde quidam loquebatur mecum, dicens, quod camerae ibi ita distinctae essent, ut in una camera esset senator, in altera general, in tertia ofwerste, 1

in quarta capitain, et sic porro, usque in una camera non in aliqua magna dignitate, sed amavit esse in camera ubi erat Senator, et turgebat ibi animo, quare ibi insaniebat, sed usque illam cameram prae aliis amavit, quamvis ibi esset vesanus, inde delatus est inde, et servire voluit C. XII, et insana fecit, sic ut esset diabolus.


1. = praefectus (vox suecica)

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