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《灵界经历》 第6067节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6067

6067. About the Indochinese

I was in bed and sleeping sweetly and quite pleasantly, for 6 hours if not more, and when I awoke, above me were some Chinese at a distance there, sitting with feet crossed as Indians are accustomed to do, and it was said to me that angels had spoken with them wisely about God and about His wonderful acts, and that they had been delighted by this, and as a result I sat [on my bed] in peaceful quiet. Others were unable to approach, because there was a spiritual heavenly [quality in the air]. When I awakened the group withdrew.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6067


I was in bed, and slept sweetly and most deliciously for 6 hours, or more; and, when I awoke, there were, above me, at a distance, Chinese, sitting there, as the Indians are wont to do with the feet crossed; and I was told that angels spoke wisely to them about God and about His marvelous [attributes], and that they were so delighted at this, that they were in the tranquillity of peace. Others were unable to approach, because it was a spiritual-celestial [sphere]. When I had awaked, the company withdrew.

Experientiae Spirituales 6067 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6067. De Indianis Chinensibus

Eram in lecto et dormiebam dulce et maxime jucunde per 6 horas si non plus, et cum vigil factus sum, erant supra me Chinenses e longinquo ibi sedentes ut solent Indiani pedibus decussatis, et dictum est mihi, quod angeli cum illis loquuti sint de Deo et de Ipsius mirabilibus sapienter, et quod illi ex eo ita jucundati sint, ut sederim in pacis tranquillitate, alii non potuerunt appropinquare, quia erat spirituale coeleste; cum vigil factus sum recedebat cohors.

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