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《灵界经历》 第6068节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6068

6068. About Zinzendorf

I spoke with a certain one, and he said that those who practice charity on account of God, or of Divine commandments, and nonetheless have heaven in sight, are utterly damned, and that it is better for Sodom and Gomorrah than for them. Then he said that it does no harm that a person lives in sins, even the more grievous ones, because then God has occasion to show mercy, that all things are of mercy; that if another had taken on the passion of the Cross, then he would have been accepted as the Son of God, if Jesus Christ had not been willing; that He is the adoptive son of God, indeed was born that He might become so; but he said that this was not from His will.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6068


I spoke with a certain one and he said [that] they who practice charity, or the Divine commands, on account of God, and at the same time with a view to heaven, are utterly damned, and that it is better for Sodom and Gomorrah than for them. He afterwards said, that it is no harm for a man to live in sins, even the graver ones, inasmuch as God has then an opportunity for mercy; and that all things are of mercy. [He also said] that, if another had taken on himself the passion of the cross, he would have been accepted for the Son of God, if Jesus Christ had not been willing and that He is the adoptive Son of God, born, in fact, in order to become so, but that He said that it was of His own will.

Experientiae Spirituales 6068 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6068. De Zinzendorf

Loquutus cum quodam, et dixit [quod] illi qui charitatem exercent propter Deum, seu mandata Divina, et tamen spectant ad coelum, prorsus damnati sint, et quod melius sit Sodomae et Gomorrhae quam illis: dein dixit, quod non noceat ut homo vivat in peccatis etiam gravioribus, quia tunc Deo est medium misericordiae, quod omnia sint misericordiae. Quod si alius in se susceperit passionem crucis, quod acceptatus fuerit pro Filio Dei, si Jesus Christus non voluerit: quod sit adoptivus Filius Dei, quidem natus ut fieret, sed quod dixerit, quod hoc voluntatis ejus fuerit.

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