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《灵界经历》 第6069节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6069

6069. What the spiritual is

The spiritual thinks in terms of quality, and the natural in terms of quantity; thus the spiritual is not limited and circumscribed as is the natural. In the spiritual world there are numbers, measures, spaces, times and substances, and they also see spaces, substances, and they have a feeling of periods of time; they speak of numbers and measures, but they think about them as regards qualities, in as much as they stand for these. נI realized that the spiritual cannot in any way think naturally, but it nevertheless flows into the natural's rational faculty as cause into effect.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6069


The spiritual may think what is the nature and extent of the Natural. Thus the Spiritual is not finited and bounded, as the Natural is. There are in the spiritual world, numbers, measures, spaces, times, and materials, and those there also see them: they see spaces and materials, and perceive times; they have names for numbers and measures; but they think of those things from quality, as, also, [what they] signify. - It was perceived that the Spiritual cannot, by any means, be thought of naturally, but yet that it inflows into the Rational-natural, as cause into effect.

Experientiae Spirituales 6069 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6069. Spirituale quid

Quod spirituale cogitet quale et naturale quantum, ita spirituale non est finitum et terminatum sicut est naturale, sunt in spirituali mundo numeri, mensurae, spatia, tempora et materiae, et quoque vident spatia, materias, et percipiunt tempora, nominant numeros et mensuras, sed cogitant de illis ex quali, sicut etiam significant. - Perceptum quod spirituale non possit ullo modo naturaliter cogitari, sed usque quod influat in rationale naturale sicut causa in effectum.

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