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《灵界经历》 第608节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 608

608. During that state of glorifying that I was in for almost a day, or half of a day, I had no thoughts of a personal nature - no thinking in mental imagery that was familiar to me, because this was a celebrating of the Lord at which I was present, Who was being glorified in different ways by choirs of angels. Yet it happened in such a way that I seemed to be among them as to my head, so that I was able to know about the things in the realm of spirits as if they were in the body. Therefore, it is no wonder that the inhabitants of Jupiter say that the face is not body, and that they look down upon their body [547]. 1748, 30 January.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 608

608. In the state of that glorying in which I was for nearly a day - or half a day - I had no idea of any particular, thus no thought perceptible to me by ideas, because I was in a celebration of the Lord, Who was being glorified in various ways by choirs of angels; yet in such a manner that I seemed to be among them with the head, so that I could thence know those things which are in the sphere of spirits as if in my body. Wherefore it is not surprising that the inhabitants of Jupiter say that the face is not the body, and that they hold their body in light esteem. 1748, Jan. 30.

Experientiae Spirituales 608 (original Latin 1748-1764)

608. In statu gloriationis istius, in quo paene per diem fui, seu dimidium diem, nulla idea particularis erat mihi, ita non cogitatio per ideas mihi perceptibiles, quia celebratio Domini erat, in qua eram, Qui varie a choris angelorum glorificabatur; usque ita, quod viderer capite inter eos esse, ut inde scire possem ea quae in sphaera spirituum, sicut in corpore, quare non mirum est, quod incolae Jovis faciem dicant non esse corpus, et quod corpus suum vilipendant. 1748, 30 Jan.

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