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《灵界经历》 第6102节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6102

6102. [numbered by Tr.] About Moravians

They said in the presence of some that they acknowledge the Divine of the Lord, but then they were made to lay open the thoughts of their heart lest they deceive with lies; and then they openly said that the Divine of Lord is no different in than what is Divine in people who have faith in the Father, that He was an entirely simple man, simpler than many among them, that that they do not believe the things He Himself spoke otherwise than as another simple man, that they do not attend to His words in the Evangelists; that He was born of Mary, from Joseph the father, and that the things set forth in Luke are fabrications. In addition, [they said] that God the Father had not been content with Him because He [the Lord] said that they had faith in Him Himself, but still He was called His Son because He suffered the cross; beside many more things that are scandalous.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6102


They [i.e. the Moravians] told some of these that they acknowledge the Lord's Divine but they were then compelled to lay open the thoughts of their heart, lest they should deceive by lies; and then they openly declared that the Lord's Divine is nothing different from the Divine that exists with other men who are in faith toward the Father, and that He was quite an ignorant man, and more ignorant than many of their number; and that they no more believe the things He spoke than those said by any other ignorant man, and that they do not pay any regard to His words in the Evangelists; also, that He was born of Mary from Joseph as father, and that those things which are narrated in Luke are fictions. They further declared that God the Father was not satisfied with Him, because He [i.e. the Lord] said men should have faith in Him; but, yet, that He was called His Son because He suffered the cross: besides many more things of a scandalous nature.

Experientiae Spirituales 6102 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6102 [.] De Moravianis

Dixerunt coram aliquibus quod agnoscant Divinum Domini, sed tunc acti sunt ad aperiendum cordis sui cogitata, ne fallerent mendaciis, et tunc aperte dixerunt, quod Divinum Domini non sit aliud quam apud homines qui in fide in Patrem, et quod prorsus simplex homo fuerit, ac simplicior quam multi apud illos, et quod non aliter credant quae Ipse loquutus sit, quam sicut alius simplex homo, et quod ad verba Ipsius apud Evangelistas non attendant: tum quod natus sit ex Maria ex patre Josepho, et quod illa quae apud Lucam exstant, sint figmenta. Tum quod Deus Pater non contentus fuerit Ipso, quia dixit quod fidem haberent in Ipsum, sed usque quod Filius Ipsius dictus sit quia passus est crucem; praeter plura quae sunt scandala.

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