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《灵界经历》 第625节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 625

625. They have a sweet, silent approach [613], a prudent way of living and conversing, so they are careful what they think and say, weighing and measuring the smallest details. But if they come across in anyone the slightest thing contrary to their order, they are of a mind to punish them, so as to compel them to goodness. This they do to spirits who come fresh from their earth, bringing them back to obedience with some force. This I have also been able to observe, as I have told them, because when any such thing came up, I at once sensed their chastising thoughts. 1748, the 2nd day of February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 625

625. They have a sweet approach and a prudent life and conversation, so that they take heed to themselves what they think and say. They carefully consider and moderate each single thing. If, however, they find in any spirits the least thing which is contrary to their order, they have a mind to chastise them, that they may thus be compelled to good. This they do to spirits who are new-comers from their earth, and by force reduce them to obedience. I could also observe this, as I told them, because when anything intervened [contrary to their order], I at once perceived their thoughts about chastisement. 1748, Feb. 2.

Experientiae Spirituales 625 (original Latin 1748-1764)

625. Allapsum habent suavem, vitam et sermonem prudentem, sic ut caveant sibi, quid cogitent et dicant, pensitent et moderentur singula; si minimum autem contra ordinem eorum apud aliquos offendunt, animo sunt castigandi, ut sic adigantur ad bonum; sic faciunt spiritibus qui recens a tellure eorum veniunt, et vi quadam in obedientiam redigunt, quod etiam observare potui, et iis dixi, quia cum aliquid intervenit, illico cogitationes eorum de castigatione percepi. 1748, d. 2 Febr.

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