68. Spirits with me who did not know I could speak with spirits were pleased [to think] that spirits control people, and that they are the person [they are with]. But they were displeased that the person replied, and was investigating their character, and controlled them. [Spirit; Person on earth]
Spirits were with me who did not know that I could speak with spirits. It pleased them that spirits rule the man, and that they are the man; but it displeased them that the man answers back, that he explores their genius, and that he rules them. (Homo, Spiritus.)
68. Spiritus apud me, qui nesciebant, quod loqui possem cum spiritibus, iis placuit, quod spiritus hominem regant, et quod ii homo essent: sed displicuit, quod homo responderet, quod genium eorum exploraret, quodque eos regeret, n. 68. [Spiritus]
Spiritibus placet, quod hominem regant, et quod ii homo sint: displicet quod homo respondeat; quod genium eorum exploret; et quod eos regat, n. 68. [Homo]