680. About very inward things
The relation of very inward things to inward ones also became apparent when it was visually demonstrated how mental images, followed up by words, streamed into a spirit's speech, namely by a white cloud divided up into particles. At another time it was also shown to spirits and angels, I believe, how feelings streamed in in the same way.
These demonstrations show that those things were flowing in through the very inward heaven, or from very near to that heaven. One may therefore conclude that there are thousands of things in one seemingly uncompounded idea covered by only one word of speech, thus that there are thousands of things within a contemplation of the very inward heaven, or of the very inward angels, which appear simply as one thing to the angels of the inward heaven. 1
1. See 262 and footnote 3.
How the case is with the more interior things in respect to those that are interior appeared also from those things [said above, nos. 677-679. It was shown me to the sight how ideas, and consequently words, inflowed into the speech of any spirit; this was shown by a white cloud divided into its molecules. At another time it was also shown to spirits and angels how affections, as I suppose, inflowed in like manner, from which it can be evident that similar things inflowed through the more interior heaven, or proximately from the more interior heaven. Thus it can be concluded that there are thousands of things within one apparently simple idea, to which but one word of speech corresponds; thus that there are thousands of things within a single speculation of the more interior heaven, or of the more interior angels, which only appear as simple things to the angels of the interior heaven.
680. De intimioribus
Quomodo se habent intimiora ad interiora, ex iis etiam apparuerat, quod ostensum mihi ad oculum, quomodo influerent ideae 1
consequenter voces in loquelam alicujus spiritus, et quidem per distinctam nubem candidam in moleculas, et alio tempore ostensum est spiritibus et angelis, quomodo etiam, ut arbitror, similiter influerent affectiones, ex quibus constare potest, quod similia influerent per coelum intimius, seu proxime a coelo intimiori, sic concludi potest, quod millia insint uni ideae quasi simplici, cui una modo vox loquelae correspondet, sic quod millia insint speculationi intimioris coeli, seu intimiorum angelorum, quae modo ut simplicia apparent interioris coeli angelis.
1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has ideas