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《灵界经历》 第681节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 681

681. This can be still more clearly evident to us from the objects of our sight, to which mental imagery or a material idea almost answers on its own plane. In any object of the eyesight taken as a single entity, when it is looked at through the microscope there appear thousands of things of which it is composed. Thus a hundred tiny insects take up but one ray of vision, appearing as one point, and a faint one at that; while to the artificial or optically aided sight, not only a hundred little living animals are revealed, but even the internal parts of each.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 681

681. This can be still more clearly evident to man from the objects of his sight, to which his imagination or material idea answers in almost a similar degree. When one object which is supposed to be simple as seen by the eye, is seen through microscopes, the thousands of things of which it is composed appear therein. Thus a hundred tiny insects are comprised in but one ray of sight and appear as a single and obscure point, while to the artificial or optical sight not only a hundred living animalcules are disclosed, but also the viscera of each one.

Experientiae Spirituales 681 (original Latin 1748-1764)

681. Adhuc clarius id constare homini potest, ab objectis ejus visus, cui imaginatio seu idea materialis paene in simili gradu respondet: in uno objecto visus oculi, quod putatur simplex, dum spectatur microscopiis, in eo apparent millia, ex quibus componitur, sic centum insectula modo unum visus radium comprehendunt, et apparent sicut unum punctum, idque obscurum, cum ad visum artificialem seu opticum, non solum centum viva animalcula deteguntur, sed etiam singulorum viscera.

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