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《灵界经历》 第716节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 716


Moreover, they who even attempt to gain entry into heaven under a shining white, angelic appearance, are turned at once into animal shapes befitting the disposition of each one. These were likewise shown to me. For the lower mind, or attitudes, or the passions, are pictured in the heaven of spirits by animals, even though they are nothing but passions and their varieties, thus shaped. So some vaguely appeared to me as birds, some as animals - but I was surprised that they were white. This happened to show that they wanted to counterfeit a shining white angel. 1748, 10 February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 716

716. Moreover, there are also those who attempt to gain admission into heaven under a shining white angelic form. These are at once turned into the figures of animals, which were also shown me, according to the "animus" of each. For the "animus" or "animi", or the cupidities are represented in the heaven of spirits by animals, although they are nothing else but cupidities and their varieties thus effigied. Thus certain birds, also certain animals, were obscurely seen by me, but I wondered that they were white. This took place that it might be shown that they wanted to pretend that they were shining white angels. 1748, Feb. 10.

Experientiae Spirituales 716 (original Latin 1748-1764)

716. praeterea etiam qui tentant intromitti in coelum sub forma angelica, candida, ii illico vertuntur in figuras animalium, quae mihi quoque ostensae sunt, secundi animum cujusvis, nam animus seu animi, aut cupiditates repraesentantur in coelo spirituum per animalia, tametsi nihil aliud sint quam cupiditates et earum varietates, figuratae- sic 1

quidam [ut] aves, quidam [ut] animalia obscure mihi visa; sed miratus quod alba essent, quod factum, ut ostenderetur, quod angelum 2

candidum mentiri vellent. 1748, 10 Febr.


1. The Manuscript has figuratae, sic

2. nisi legendum angelorum

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