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《灵界经历》 第728节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 728

728. Continuation on the robbers and about the Large City, spoken of on the adjoining pages [723-727]

A spirit, when I asked him where he came from, explained to me, saying that he was fleeing and was afraid of the robbers, who kill, slaughter, burn, boil people. He was looking for someone with whom he would be safe. I asked where he was from, whether from such and such a region, and he said that he did not know which land, but which city. He did not want to hear "land," or the word naming it. For he said afterwards that the land is the Lord's, but the city belonged to them; that they were in the city so as to be safe from the robbers.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 728


When I inquired of a spirit whence he had come, he told me that he was fleeing from the robbers who kill, slaughter, burn and boil men, and he was afraid of them and seeking some place where he might be safe. I inquired whence he came, whether from a certain region. He said that he did not know from what land he came, but from what city. He did not want to hear even the word, land, for he said afterwards that the land is the Lord's, but the city belonged to them. They were in the city that they might be safe from the robbers.

Experientiae Spirituales 728 (original Latin 1748-1764)

728. Continuatio de latronibus et de Urbe Magna, de quibus pag. hic adjuncta [723-727]

Spiritus mihi narrabat, quum interrogarem 1

eum, unde veniret, dixit, quod fugeret, et timeret latrones, qui occidunt, mactant, cremant, coquunt homines, quaere aliquem, ut tutus esset; quaerebam, unde esset, num quadam tellure, dixit, quod nesciret, quid terra, sed quid urbs, "terram" 2

non voluit audire, nec vocem ejus, nam dixit postea, quod terra sit Domini, sed urbs ad eos pertineret; urbe essent, ut tuti essent a latronibus.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has interrogare

2. The Manuscript has teram (sine signis citationis)

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