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《灵界经历》 第729节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 729

729. Afterwards I talked with a robber who spoke with a deep voice, like a giant, and I asked him who he was. He said he was looking for plunder to carry off. I asked where he stored his loot, and whether he realized that it would be taken away from him, since it was nothing but an illusion.

When I asked him where he was, he said that he was in a desert, or in deserted places, seeking opportunities to plunder, and that those whom he comes upon, he torments in the manner described. Thus the robbers were together [with the others]. He finally acknowledged that he was a spirit; yet still, because he is with me, he does not realize it, thinking he is still living on earth.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 729

729. I later spoke with a certain robber, asking him who he was. He spoke with a deep voice like a giant, and said that he was seeking plunder that he might carry it away. I asked where he would store his plunder, and whether he knew that those things would be taken away from him, because they are nothing but phantasies. I also asked where he was. He said that he was in a desert, or desert places, seeking booty, and those he met he tortured in this manner so that they might be robbers together. At length he acknowledged that he was a spirit; but, because he is with me, he does not as yet know it, for he supposes that he is still living on the earth.

Experientiae Spirituales 729 (original Latin 1748-1764)

729. Postea loquutus sum cum quodam latrone, qui loquutus voce bassa, sicut gigas, quaerens eum, quisnam esse dixit, quod quaereret, ut spolia auferret; dixi, ubi congerit spolia sua, et num sciat, quod ea ei auferri 1

, quia non sunt nisi phantasiae, tum ubinam esset, dicebat se esse in deserto, seu desertis locis, quaerens rapinas, et quos offendit, cruciat-sic 2

ut latrones essent simul; agnovit tandem quod spiritus esset, sed adhuc, quia penes me est, id non scit, quia putat se adhuc in terra vivere.


1. sic manuscript; vide praefationem hujus editionis sub capite "Idiosyncrasies"; in J.F.I. Tafel's edition auferantur substituit"

2. The Manuscript has cruciat, sic

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