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《灵界经历》 第727节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 727

727. Presently others appeared, three in a row, among whom there was even one woman. They were cunningly awaiting the opportunity to steal something. One, at the left, secretly looking for my purse, wanted to slip his hand into it. Another, facing me, was cunningly saying he did not want to take away anything, yet his craftiness was apparent from his speech. His looks were not unattractive, nor were the woman's. Whether she had been sent out as a decoy, I do not know for sure.

Someone also appeared who was taking away boxes as though he were carrying off plunder. 1748, 11 February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 727

727. Soon others appeared, three in order, and among them was also one woman. They were deceitfully watching to see what they could steal. One of them, clandestinely at the left, was seeking my purse, and wanted to put his hand secretly into it; another, facing me, was saying deceitfully that he did not want to take away anything, but the insidiousness shone forth from his speech. His face was not uncomely, as neither was the woman. Whether she was sent for an insidious purpose I do not know for certain. 1There also appeared a certain one who was carrying away chests as spoil which he carried off. 1748, Feb. 11. 2


1. In the reference to this number in the Index (s.v. Judaei) it is said that those spirits acted secretly through the woman.

2. After n, 727 in the manuscript, this incomplete passage occurs, crossed out: "BY COUNTING MONEY BEFORE SPIRITS THE QUALITY OF THE LOVE OF EACH COULD BE RECOGNIZED. I was counting money and there were present spirits or souls whose other cupidities could be known in myself. I only recognized this - that one of them desired the money that he might build, another that ..."

Experientiae Spirituales 727 (original Latin 1748-1764)

727. Mox alii apparuerunt, ordine tres, inter eos etiam una faemina, qui insidiati sunt subdole, si quid possent latrocinari, unus a sinistra clandestine, qui crumenam meam quaerens 1

, immittere clam voluit manum, alter ante faciem subdole, dicens, quod nihil vellet auferre, insidiatio ex sermone usque elucebat, erat facie non invenusta, sicut nec mulier, num haec emissa insidiationis causa, non pro certo scio. Quidam etiam apparuit, qui cistas auferebat, sicut spolia, quae auferret. 1748, 11 Febr.


1. imperfectum in the Manuscript

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