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《灵界经历》 第73节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 73

73. Thoughts were streaming into my mind imperceptibly, and my actions were being governed by spirits. The spirits were stirred with feeling when my thought was directed toward them. [Inflow; Thought, Think; Spirit; Action]

I could tell spirits apart by their speech. [Spirit; Speak, Speech]

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 73


Thoughts flowed into [my] mind in an imperceptible manner. [My] actions were directed by spirits. The spirits were affected when [my] thought was directed to them. Spirits are distinguished one from the other by their speech. (Actio, Cogitatio, Influxus, Loqui, Spiritus.)

Experientiae Spirituales 73 (original Latin 1748-1764)

73. Quod cogitationes in mentem modo imperceptibili influerent: actiones dirigerentur per spiritus. Spiritus afficerentur, cum cogitatio in eos dirigeretur, n. 73. [Influxus]

Quod cogitationes in mentem modo imperceptibili influerent: actiones dirigerentur per spiritus: spiritus afficerentur cum cogitatio dirigeretur in eos, n. 73. [Cogitatio, Cogitare]

Quod actiones dirigerentur per spiritus: quod spiritus afficerentur, cum cogitatio in eos dirigeretur; et quod internoscerentur ex loquela, n. 73. [Spiritus]

Quod actiones dirigerentur per spiritus, n. 73. [Actio, Activitas]

Quod spiritus internoscerentur per loquelam, n. 73. [Loqui, Loquela]

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