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《灵界经历》 第732节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 732

732. Something that surprised me very much is that when I was saying the Lord's prayer, such a robber was present with me and said it together with me, as very often happens, and I noticed that he did so with such devotion that I was unable to make out whether or not he had true belief; for I could not discern that his mind was unfamiliar with the meaning, as I could in others. Thus he was at the time worshipping the Lord as if from his heart, [praying] that He might protect him.

From this I was able to infer what that generation is like, namely, that when they are in danger, and afraid, their covetousness is entirely unnoticeable, as though it out of sight, or as if it passes away, and they perform devotion, all on account of the danger of death. This is borne out by many incidents in their history. Nevertheless they bear such intentions in their hearts [729], and, as I was able to sense, they derive this hereditarily from both dragons. For as soon as they come out of danger, they are the same as ever, except now using the heart to lie. 1748, 11 February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 732

732. What especially surprised me was that when I was reading the Lord's prayer, such a robber was present and read it with me, which happened very frequently. And I observed that he did so with such devotion that I could not tell whether he was of the true faith or not, for I could not distinguish whether his "animus" was at variance with its meaning, as in other cases. Thus he also then adored the Lord as if from the heart, so that he might be protected. Hence I can conclude what is the quality of that generation, namely, that when they are in danger and in fear their cupidity is not manifestly observed, being as it were hidden away, or it perishes, and so they are in a state of devotion on account of the danger of death. This can also be evident from many things in their history. Nevertheless, for all this, they hide and carry with them such things in their heart, and, as I could perceive, they derive this by heredity from both dragons. For as soon as they come out of danger they are the same as before, except that in addition they deceive, as it were, from the heart. 1748, Feb. 11.

Experientiae Spirituales 732 (original Latin 1748-1764)

732. Quod maxime miratus sum, est [quod] quum orationem dominicam legerem, talis latro adesset apud me, et mecum legeret, sicut saepissime fit, et observavi, quod is cum devotione tali, ut non potuissem scire, annon esset verae fidei, nam distinguere non potui, animum ejus a sensu alienum, sicut in aliis, sic ut tunc quoque Dominum, quasi ex corde adoraret, ut eum 1

tutaretur, inde concludere possum de generatione ista, quales sunt, nempe dum in discrimine, et in timore, quod tunc eorum cupiditas plane non animadvertatur, tanquam abscondita, seu pereat, et sic in devotione [essent], ob periculum mortis, quod etiam constare potest a multis in historia de iis, nihilominus tamen corde talia ferunt 2

, ac ut percipere possem, id trahunt haereditario ab utroque dracone. Ut primum enim a periculis veniunt similes sunt, praeter quod mentiantur quasi corde. 1748, 11 Febr.


1. The Manuscript has ae

2. The Manuscript has tra[hunt] recondunt ferunt

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