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《灵界经历》 第739节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 739

739. About reflection

The doctrine of reflection is an entire doctrine, and without it no one is able to know what inward life is, not even what the life of the body is. In fact, without reflection from a knowledge of truths, no one is reformed. For this reason, the Lord is delivering to the people on this earth, because they are living in a corrupt state, written down truths. From these, as from a wellspring, they may draw a knowledge of truth that will enable them to reflect on themselves - or more truly, from which higher knowledge, inscribed upon the memory, the Lord may cause people to reflect upon their falsities, and the like. Therefore, without spiritual knowledge, reformation is not possible.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 739


The doctrine of reflection is a complete doctrine, and without it no one can know what interior life is, nor even what the life of the body is. Indeed, without reflection from a cognition of truths no one is reformed. Therefore written truths are delivered by the Lord to those on this earth because they live in a perverse state, so that therefrom, as from a fountain, men may draw the cognitions of truths by which they can reflect upon themselves; or more truly, from the cognitions inscribed on man's memory, the Lord causes him to reflect upon his falsities and like things. Therefore, without cognitions reformation is not possible.

Experientiae Spirituales 739 (original Latin 1748-1764)

739. De reflexione

Reflectionum doctrina est integra doctrina, et absque illa nemo scire potest, quid vita interior, ne quidem quid vita corporis; imo absque reflectione a cognitione veritatum, nemo reformatur, ideo a Domino traduntur iis in hac tellure, quia in perverso statu vivunt, veritates scriptae, ut exinde ut ex fonte hauriant cognitiones veritatis, a quibus reflectere possint ad semet, seu verius, et 1

quibus memoriae inscriptis Dominus efficiat, ut homo reflectat super suas falsitates, et similia, ideo absque cognitionibus non datur reformatio.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition ex

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