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《灵界经历》 第740节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 740

740. It is different on the earth Jupiter, where spirits warn them, and raise up and display before them whatever they had wrongly thought and done. So reflection there takes place through revelations, as mentioned before [523, 539-545].

Revelations cannot take place on this earth, because the door toward heaven has been closed, and people's thoughts are only drawn up to heaven by the Lord at certain times. The rest of the time, they are concerned with nothing else but bodily, worldly and earthly matters, and upon these they reflect.

If in these circumstances the door toward heaven were opened to them, as it was to Cain, with whom spirits could even speak, then falsities would so mix themselves together with truths that they could never be separated. Thus they would be damned to eternity. This is therefore guarded against. 1748, 11 February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 740

740. It is otherwise on the planet Jupiter, where spirits admonish them, and call forth whatever they have thought and done evilly, and set it before them; thus on that earth reflections are brought about by revelations, concerning which see above [nos. 523, 539, 541. This cannot take place on this earth because the door towards heaven has been closed, and men's thoughts are drawn to heaven by the Lord only at certain times; at other times they regard nothing else than things corporeal, worldly and terrestrial, upon which they reflect. If the door towards heaven were then open to them, as it was to Cain, with whom also spirits could speak, then falsities would so commix themselves with truths that they could never be separated, and thus they would be damned to eternity; wherefore this is guarded against. 1748, Feb. 11. 1



Experientiae Spirituales 740 (original Latin 1748-1764)

740. Aliter in tellure Jovis, ubi spiritus admonent eos, et quicquid cogitaverint et fecerint male, excitant, et sistunt coram, ibi sic reflexiones fiunt per revelationes, de quibus prius [523, 539-545]; quod in hac tellure fieri nequit, quia clausa est janua versus coelum, et modo subtrahuntur cogitationes ad coelum a Domino, certis temporibus, caeterum nihil aliud spectant quam corporea, mundana, et terrestria, super quae reflectunt; sique tunc janua versus coelum aperta iis foret, sicut Caino, cum quo etiam spiritus loqui potuerunt, tunc falsitates se commiscerent ita veritatibus, ut nusquam separari possent, ita in aeternum damnati, quare id cautum est. 1748, 11 Febr.

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