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《灵界经历》 第746节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 746

746. But there was another man wrapped up in the net, thus two of them - for what reason, I do not know. Perhaps so that he could show me these matters. For the dragon does not want them to be disclosed, and has therefore often tried by his illusions to invalidate my visions, as well as even to steal them away so that I would not know of them, as he is also doing now. It is a severe punishment to be let under the veil, because they are thereby tormented pitifully. The one who fled away [cf. 753] drew the net with him, like a tail, because of an illusion joined to the fear in fleeing.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 746

746. There was also a man involved in the net, thus the two of them. I do not know for what reason. Perhaps it was that he might show these things to me, for the dragon does not want them to be disclosed. Often the dragon by his phantasies wanted to elude my vision and also take it away lest I should know, as he is also now doing. It is a severe punishment to be sent under the veil, for in this way they are miserably tormented. The one who fled away drew the veil with him as if it were a tail, from phantasy joined to fear in flight.

Experientiae Spirituales 746 (original Latin 1748-1764)

746. Sed etiam vir involvebatur quoque reti, sic uterque, ex qua causa non scio, ideo forte, quod haec mihi ostenderet, nam draco non vult, ut haec detegerentur, quare saepe per phantasias suas eludere voluit meas visiones, tum etiam auferre, ne sciam, sicut nunc etiam facit: magnum est supplicium sub velum mitti, quia sic cruciantur misere; qui aufugit [vide 753], secum ut 1

caudam quasi trahebat rete, ex phantasia juncta timori fugae.


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