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《灵界经历》 第748节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 748

748. From these particulars it is apparent what the fantasy of the Jews, who during their earthly life thought that they were still to possess Jerusalem and the holy land, brings with it in the other life. Few, if any, believe in heaven or a life after death - one devoted to mere greed never can believe that there is a life after death, or a resurrection, just as they did not believe it in the Lord's time. Specifically it brings with it the consequence that this fantasy remains, and so, they come into a city - the worst ones, as soon as they die, into a city to the left, the better ones into a city to the right. And their holy land to which they think they are coming is profane, and filled with robbery, that is, plundering and wickedness. They call it the land of the Lord, for as such they are obliged to worship the robbers, in order to be supplied with what they regard as the necessaries of life. 1748, 12 February. These are the consequences of their belief and life.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 748

748. From these things it appears what the phantasy of the Jews in the other life carries with it, from the fact that during their life they supposed that they would still possess Jerusalem and the Holy Land. Few, if any, believe in heaven or the life after death. He who has devoted himself to avarice alone can never believe that there is a life after death or a resurrection, as neither did the Jews believe at the time of the Lord. That is to say, such a phantasy remains, and thus they come into the city. As soon as they die, the worst come into the city from the left, and those who are better come into it towards the right. Their Holy Land, to which they suppose they have come, is profane and full of robberies, that is, of rapine and malice. They call it the Lord's land, for they are thus obliged to adore the robbers, in order that the necessities of life, as they suppose, may be brought to them. 1748, Feb. 12.

These things follow from their faith and life.

Experientiae Spirituales 748 (original Latin 1748-1764)

748. Ex his apparet, quid phantasia Judaeorum secum ferat in altera vita, ex eo quod putaverint in vita se Hierosolymam et terram sanctam adhuc possessuros, coelum seu vitam post mortem pauci, si ullus, credit--qui 1

soli avaritiae deditus est, nusquam potest credere, quod vita post mortem, seu resurrectio 2

, sicut nec crediderunt tempore Domini--[secum fert] nempe 3

quod talis phantasia maneat, et sic veniant in urbem, pessimi seu qui primum moriuntur in urbem a sinistra, qui meliores in urbem a 4

dextra, et quod terra eorum sancta, ad quam venire se putant, sit prophana, et latrociniis, hoc est rapina et malitia, plena, quam vocant terram Domini, nam debent sic adorare latrones, ut iis advehantur, ut putant, necessaria vitae. 1748, 12 Febr. Haec sequuntur ex fide eorum, et ex vita.


1. The Manuscript has credit, qui

2. The Manuscript has resurrectionem

3. The Manuscript has Domini, nempe

4. The Manuscript has ad

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