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《灵界经历》 第799节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 799

799. Therefore, whatever kind of means, or intermediate goal, people are in their own goals, such is the character they acquire, and such their life at first becomes after bodily life; and such also is the abode they are allotted in the greatest body or Heaven, thus in the Human Himself, that is, in the Lord.

As for still deeper regions, and the very inward and innermost, these we do not discern, nor consequently, where our heritage will be. This the Lord Alone discerns, because these matters are too inward to be able to open up before our very dim human sight.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 799

799. Such, therefore, as is the medium or mediate end, which is the man in his ends, such is the disposition that is induced upon him, and such does his life first become after the life of his body, and such also is the situation allotted to him in the Grand Body or heaven, thus in The Man Himself, that is, in the Lord. That which concerns things more interior, and those still more interior and inmost, consequently, where his future inheritance will be, man cannot penetrate, but the Lord alone; for these are things too interior to be laid open to human eyes, which are most obscure.

Experientiae Spirituales 799 (original Latin 1748-1764)

799. Quale itaque medium, seu [qualis] finis medius est homo in suis finibus, talis induitur indoles, et talis fit post corporis vitam ejus vita primum, et talem 1

quoque in maximo corpore seu Coelo, sic in Ipso Homine, hoc est, in Domino sortitur sedem; quod adhuc interiora magis, et intimiora ac intima, concernit 2

, haec 3

non penetrat homo,sed Solus Dominus, proinde ubi ejus haereditas futura, quia haec intimiora sunt, quam ut patere possint oculis obscuris simis humanis.


1. The Manuscript has talis

2. imperfectum in the Manuscript

3. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition hoc

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