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《灵界经历》 第82节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 82

82. 1. A person on earth is a spirit clothed with a body. [Body; Person on earth; Spirit]

2. Spirits are not strong in sense-based memory, nor are angels. [Memory]

[3. is not referred to in the index.]

4. When I was in company of spirits, not as one of them, but as an earthly human, I was unable by my own effort to bring up anything from my memory. [Memory; Associate]

5. A person on earth cannot live without being governed by means of spirits: for which reason the Lord, Who rules spirits, rules the whole human Race. [Lord; Person on earth; Spirit]

6. If the Lord were to slacken His control for a moment, immediately mankind would be cast headlong into insanities and a most hideous death. [Insanity; Die, Dead; Lord]

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 82


(1) Man is a spirit clothed with a body. (Corpus, Homo, Spiritus.)

(2) Spirits do not enjoy a sensual memory, nor do angels. (Memoria.)

(4) When I was in company, not as a spirit, but as a man, of myself I could take nothing from my own memory. (Conversaria, Memoria.)

(5) Man cannot live without the governance of spirits. Therefore God Messiah, who governs spirits, governs the whole human race. (Dominus, Homo, Spiritus.)

(6) Were God Messiah to relax His governance for a moment, man would at once be precipitated into insanities and the most atrocious death. (Dominus, Insania, Mori.)

Experientiae Spirituales 82 (original Latin 1748-1764)

82. Quod homo sit spiritus corpore amictus, n. 82: 1. [Corpus = Homo = Spiritus]

Quod spiritus memoria sensuali non polleant, nec angeli, n. 82:2. [Memoria]

Cum essem in consortio, non sicut spiritus, sed sicut homo, quod nihil e memoria depromere possem a memet, n. 82:4. [Memoria]

Quod interessem consortiis non sicut spiritus, sed sicut homo, n. 82:4. [Conversari, Conversatio]

Quod homo non possit vivere absque regimine per spiritus; quare Dominus, Qui regit spiritus, regit omne Genus humanum, n. 82:5. [Dominus]

Quod homo non possit vivere absque regimine per spiritus, quare Qui regit spiritus, regit omne Genus humanum, n. 82:5. [Homo = Spiritus]

Si remitteretur momento regimen a Domino, illico homo in insanias et atrocissimam mortem praecipitaretur, n. 82:6. [Insania = Mori, Mortuus]

Si remitteret Dominus, momento regimen, illico homo in insanias, et atrocissimam mortem praecipitaretur, n. 82:6. [Dominus]

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