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《灵界经历》 第825节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 825

825. There are spirits who depict the kidneys and the bladder in the human being

Spirits who depict the kidneys, ureters and bladder in man are at the left side of the face, but toward the front, at the opening between the side of the temples and the forehead, closer to the forehead. They are of the kind who are not concerned with inward matters, much less very inward ones, nor do they understand them. Therefore when I spoke of and questioned them about such subjects, they said they did not understand them, although other spirits had understood them well.

These same ones also easily become indignant, as if from a kind of envy. They were indignant, for example, that good spirits were standing by and present with me, and they wanted to irritate them in various ways, so as to drive them away. Thus they do many things out of indignation, they are restless in spirit, and are not content with their lot - so that some property of the urine can be traced to them.

They are present, and I am speaking with them - they grow angry, go away, come back - there are many of them, and in lines. They are not deceitful, because they do this from a kind of irritable jealousy but not from deceit, and are like those in the life of the body who are called simply bad-tempered.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 825


The spirits who represent the kidneys, ureters, and bladder in man are at the left side of the face, but toward the front, and at a distance between the region of the temples and the forehead, somewhat nearer the forehead. They are such as care nothing for things interior, still less for things more interior, nor do they understand them; so that when I spoke of such things, and they were questioned about them, they said they do not understand them, although other spirits have understood them well. The same spirits also easily become indignant, as though from some kind of envy. Thus they were indignant because there were good spirits nearby or present with me, and they wanted to provoke them in various ways in order to drive them away. Thus they do many things from indignation and from restlessness of mind; nor are they content with their lot, so that a certain property of the urine can thence be deduced. They are present, and I speak with them; they are indignant; they go away; they return. They are many and there is a series of them. Moreover, they are not deceitful; for they act from a kind of irascible envy, but not from deceit; they are like those in the life of the body who are simply called choleric.

Experientiae Spirituales 825 (original Latin 1748-1764)

825. Quod sint spiritus qui repraesentant renes, et vesicam in homine

Spiritus qui repraesentant renes, ureteres, et vesicam in homine, ad latus sinistrum faciei sunt, sed antrorsum, ad distantiam inter partem temporum et frontis, propius ad frontem, ii tales sunt, ut nihil curent interiora, minus intimiora, nec ea intelligunt, sic quando loquutus sum similia, interrogati dicebant quod talia non intelligant, quamvis alii spiritus ea bene intellexerint, iidem etiam indignantur facile, sicut ex quadam specie invidiae, ut quod boni spiritus assiderint, seu apud me fuerint, hoc indignati sunt, et vario modo eos lacessere voluerunt, ut eos abigerent. Sic agunt plura quae ex indignatione, et irrequie animi sunt, nec contenti sua sorte, sic ut quaedam facultas urinae inde deduci queat, adsunt et loquor cum iis, indignantur, abeunt, redeunt, sunt plures et series; praeterea, non sunt dolosi, quia ex iracunda 1

quadam invidia faciunt, non autem ex dolo, suntque similes iis in vita corporis, qui mere colerici 2



1. The Manuscript has irracunda

2. = cholerici

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