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《灵界经历》 第824节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 824

824. About permissions

The doctrine of permissions [see 398] also involves this, that evil spirits claim dominion over those who are evil, consequently over the evils in a person. They claim this as theirs by right, one even declaring that [evils] are theirs, because injected by them, so that they belong to them. For this reason, they claim dominion over every person who speaks falsely. And over one who is driven by passions, and thus evils, they also strive for dominion; but because every human is evil to the core, they are not given permission to rule except over those evils in a person that are added by actual life.

But the permission does not extend beyond the purpose that the person may, through punishments and purges, be cured of these evils. This is one of the rules governing permissions. 1748, 18 February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 824


The doctrine of permissions also involves the following: That evil spirits pretend to dominion over those who are evil, consequently over the evils of man. They claim this to themselves as if by right. One of them even said that the evils are theirs, because injected by them, wherefore they pertain to them. They therefore pretend to dominion over every man who speaks falsely; as also over him who is actuated by cupidities, and thus by evils. But because every man is radically evil, permission is not given them to have dominion, except over those evils in man which have been superadded by actuality. This permission, however, does not extend further than is requisite to the end that the man, by means of the sufferings and devastations arising from those evils, may become better. This is one rule of permissions. 1748, Feb. 18.

Experientiae Spirituales 824 (original Latin 1748-1764)

824. De permissionibus

Permissionum doctrina [vide 398] involvit etiam ea, quod mali spiritus praetendant dominari super malos proinde super mala hominis, id sibi vindicant sicut jure, ajebat etiam unus, quod eorum sint [mala], quia ab iis injecta, quare ad eos pertinent, ideo praetendunt dominium super quemlibet hominem, falsiloquum; sed super eum qui cupiditatibus agitur et sic malis, etiam praetendunt, sed quia unusquisque homo radicitus malus est, non datur iis permissio, nisi super ea in homine, quae per actualitatem superaddita sunt; sed permissio non latius se extendit, quam ut homo, a malis istis per supplicia et devastationes, melior fiat; haec est una permissionum regula. 1748, 18 Febr.

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