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《灵界经历》 第842节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 842

842. Mankind is completely unaware of being led by spirits, and by means of spirits

It is ever so clear, and known to everyone, that people are not conscious of being led by spirits, and by means of spirits. But that they are nevertheless so led, and quite obviously, is evident from manifold experience - for I have seen, perceived, heard, how one spirit was led by others, and then by still others as a group, and yet the spirit knows absolutely no otherwise than that he is leading himself, entirely like a person on earth.

It can be recognized what kind, or particular sort of spirit is leading another spirit, though not by that spirit being led. Spirits also can be led in the same way by a person on earth when in the spirit, as I have sometimes been given the ability to do. I then know it, and the spirits in company with me know, perceive, and more or less see [it happening], while the spirit who is being led is quite unaware of it, thinking that he is speaking on his own. This has sometimes been done by myself, and I was amazed that the spirit did not notice it, for it was obvious to me. 1748, 18 February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 842


That man does not know that he is led by spirits and by means of spirits is most clear and known to everyone. Nevertheless, that he is so led, and indeed manifestly, can be confirmed from a multitude of experiences. For I have seen, perceived, and heard that one spirit was led by others, and successively by others in consociation, and that the spirit nevertheless knows no other than that he is leading himself, just as does man. By what kind or species of spirits another spirit is being led can be known, but that other spirit cannot know it. In like manner, also, a spirit can similarly be led by man, while he is a spirit. Since such power has sometimes been exercised by me I myself know it, and the spirits in company with me know, perceive, and, as it were, see it; but the spirit who is being led is altogether ignorant of it, and supposes that he speaks from himself. This has been done by me at times, and I was surprised that the spirit did not perceive it, because to me it was manifest. 1748, Feb. 18.

Experientiae Spirituales 842 (original Latin 1748-1764)

842. Quod homo nesciat prorsus, quod ducatur a spiritibus, et per spiritus

Quod nesciat homo se duci a spiritibus et per spiritus, clarissimum est, et cuivis notum; quod tamen usque ducatur, et quidem manifeste, id ex multiplici experientia constare potest; nam vidi, percepi, audivi, quod unus spiritus ab aliis duceretur, et successive ab aliis in consortio, et quod usque spiritus prorsus nesciat aliter ac is semet ducat, prorsus sicut homo; cognosci potest, a quonam genere, seu a quanam specie spirituum, spiritus alius ducitur, is 1

vero non item, similiter etiam spiritus ab homine, dum spiritus est, similiter duci potest, sicut aliquoties 2

mihi talis copia facta est, ego id novi, et spiritus in consortio mecum id norunt, percipiunt, et quasi vident, sed spiritus qui ducitur prorsus nescit, sed putat quod a se loquatur, hoc quandoque a me factum, et miratus quod spiritus id non perciperet, quia mihi manifestum esset. 1748, 18 Febr.


1. legerim ei (hoc est alii spiritui)

2. The Manuscript has aliquotieis

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