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《灵界经历》 第844节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 844

844. The city also appeared to me. The buildings are tall, sometimes with dark streets because of the tall buildings, nevertheless such that the whole length of the streets appears, and the sky shines through, showing the city's skyline, as in other large cities. Presently, when one could just make out its streets, then the closed in city appeared, and an unbroken line of very high buildings was displayed to me, the roofs of which I did not see, perhaps because they ended in the clouds. They had many windows, covering a square area on two sides. The color of the buildings on the outside was almost brick-like, or dark brownish.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 844

844. I also saw the city. The buildings are lofty, sometimes with dark streets because of the high buildings; yet, in such a manner that the continuation of the streets is seen, and the sky gives light. There also is a continuation of the city, as in other great cities. Presently this continuation was divided into streets, and then the city was seen. It was enclosed; and continuous very high buildings with many windows were represented to me, in such a way that they formed a square area consisting of two parts. I did not perceive their roofs, perhaps because they ended in the clouds. The color of the buildings on the outside was almost brick-like or darkish brown.

Experientiae Spirituales 844 (original Latin 1748-1764)

844. Urbs mihi etiam visa est, aedificia sunt alta, quandoque cum plateis obscuris, quia aedificia alta, ita tamen, ut appareat continuatio platearum, et eluceat coelum, et ibi quoque continuatio urbis, sicut in aliis magnis urbibus; mox haec in plateas distincta et sic visa urbs, interclusa est 1

, et repraesentata mihi aedificia continua altissima, quorum tecta non appercepi 2

, forte quia terminarentur 3

in nubibus, cum fenestris multis, sic ut aream quadratam facerent a binis partibus. Color aedificiorum extus erat paene lateritius, bruneus obscurus.


1. hoc est est et sic visa [est] urbs interclusa

2. The Manuscript has appercepei

3. The Manuscript has terminerentur ut videtur

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