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《灵界经历》 第846节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 846

846. The rooms also were shown to me. The interiors were [built] of grayish colored boards joined together - single boards, but made into a one, only the joints in between being slightly visible. There was also something black portraying a fireplace. Their rooms are like this throughout the whole city, except for some varieties not shown to me; for the different types come forth according to the souls' fantasies, to which they correspond, presenting the same elements, and presenting them entirely true to life in the world. I spoke with some who were finding out for the first time that they were fantasies. They soon acknowledged that it was so: thus those who see, agree. 1748, 18 February. # #

Turn the page, and this is continued 1


1. This appears in the original at the bottom of the page.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 846

846. Their rooms were also shown me. Within they were constructed of boards of an almost grayish color, joined together. They were single boards but joined together, only the joinings of the boards were little visible. There was besides something black which represented a chimney. Such are their rooms throughout the whole city. In addition, there were other varieties which were not shown me; for varieties exist according to the phantasies of souls to which they correspond, and these varieties set forth such things, which are presented just as real as things in the world. I spoke with those who previously knew that they were phantasies. Presently they acknowledged that it was so because they see and feel it to be so. 1748, Feb. 18. Turn to the continuation. 1


1. In the manuscript this is written at the foot of the page and refers to what follows.

Experientiae Spirituales 846 (original Latin 1748-1764)

846. Conclavia etiam mihi ostensa sunt, erant intus ex asseribus conjunctis coloris fere grisei, simplicia, seu unita 1

, modo apparebant juncturae asserum paulum, praeter quoddam nigrum quod repraesentabat caminum; talia sunt conclavia eorum per universam urbem, praeter varietates alias mihi non ostensas, nam varietates existunt secundum phantasias animarum, quibus correspondent, et similia sistunt, et sistuntur prorsus ut vera in mundo; loquutus sum cum iis, qui primum sciebant quod phantasiae essent. Mox agnoscebant ita esse; qui ita vident, sentiunt. 1748, 18 Febr. # #

Verte, et continuatur.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has simplices, seu unitae

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