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《灵界经历》 第848节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 848

848. Now and again, the vision of the city even fades away. Before this happens there commonly appears something like a large back stretched out in the room, or a voluminous form like the human back, which raises itself, stretched out, even to the roof. The roof then appears, with beams joined together in the form of a triangle, as roofs usually are in cities of the world, and up to it that back or voluminous form raises and stretches itself; and then it appears as if there is an opening at one side, of a sky blue color, yet in such a way that the beams of the roof are still visible. Then the illusion of a city passes away.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 848

848. The vision of the city, etc., repeatedly disappears. This is usually preceded in the room by something like a large extended back, or a volume like a human back, and this extended thing rises up even to the roof. The roof then is seen with continuous rafters in a triangular form, as is usual with roofs in the cities of the world. The back or volume rises up and extends thither, and then on one side is seen an opening, as it were, of a sky-blue color, but in such a way that the rafters of the roof appear. Thus the phantasy of a city disappears.

Experientiae Spirituales 848 (original Latin 1748-1764)

848. Identidem visio urbis etc. 1

perit, tum communiter praecedit sicut tergum magnum extensum in conclave, seu volumen instar dorsi humani, quod extensum se elevat usque ad tectum, tectum tunc apparet cum continuis tignis, in trianguli forma 2

, ut solent tecta in urbibus mundi, illuc se elevat et extendit tergum seu volumen, et apparet tunc ab uno latere sicut apertum, coloris coerulei, sed usque ut tecti tigna appareant, sic perit phantasia urbis.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition etiam

2. The Manuscript has formam

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