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《灵界经历》 第851节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 851

851. And although they sometimes seem to be living together, the city does not appear the same to one as it does to another, but according to each one's fantasized righteousness, or merit from self-righteousness, this being because the one is unable to see the other's fantasy or portrayal of the city, or to tell how it differs.

But the things which have been told about the city are common features; the various scenes cannot so well be described, but they relate to the same common features, as particulars. The outer and inner profiles are common [to all], as well as the height of the buildings, etc.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 851

851. And although they sometimes seem to themselves to be together, the city does not appear the same to one as to another, but is seen according to the phantasy of each one, that is to say, according to the phantasy of righteousness or of merit from one's own righteousness; and because one cannot see the phantasy or representation of the city which another has, the differences are not discernable. But these things that have been said about the city are generals; the varieties cannot very well be described, since they have reference to like generals as the particulars thereof. The external and internal continuations are the generals; also the height of the buildings, etc.

Experientiae Spirituales 851 (original Latin 1748-1764)

851. Et quamvis simul sibi videntur quandoque, urbs uni non apparet similis alteri, sed secundum cujus phantasiam, nempe justitiae aut meriti ex justitia propria, ita quia unus alterius urbis phantasiam seu repraesentationem videre non potest, nec differentiae noscibiles sunt. Sed haec quae dicta sunt de urbe, communia sunt, varietates non ita describi queunt, sed se referunt ad communia similia, ut particularia eorum; continuationes externae et internae sunt communia, tum aedificiorum altitudo, praeter alia.

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