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《灵界经历》 第852节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 852

852. It seems that this city is the judgment of Gehenna [Matt. 23:33], for they want to live self-righteously. Thus [the city] seems to be able to condemn all to Gehenna who, according to their fantasy, do not behave and live righteously. From this attitude we find out what they are like, that is, those who think themselves most righteous from their own fantasy, not from true belief; hence this city is called the judgment of Gehenna.

1748, 18 February.

See the continuation 1


1. Two circles with crosses beneath appear here.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 852

852. This city, it seems, is the "Judgment of Gehenna." 1For those who are there desire to live from their own righteousness; thus it seems to them that they can condemn to Gehenna all who do not spend their time and act righteously according to their phantasies. From this quality of their minds [animus] is recognized, namely, that from their own phantasy, not from a true faith, they suppose themselves to be most righteous. Hence this city is called "The Judgment of Gehenna" 1748, Feb. 18. See the continuation. 2


1. This is the literal translation from the Greek of the phrase in Matt. xxiii 33.

2. This again refers to what follows on the next page of the manuscript.

Experientiae Spirituales 852 (original Latin 1748-1764)

852. Haec urbs videtur, quod sit judicium Gehennae [Matth. XXIII: 33], nam ex propria justitia vivere cupiunt, ita condemnare posse videtur omnes, qui non juste secundum eorum phantasias degunt et agunt, ad Gehennam, inde cognoscitur quales animi sunt, nempe qui se justissimos putant ex sua phantasia, non a vera fide, inde haec urbs vocatur judicium Gehennae. 1748, 18 Febr.

Continuationem vide ♀ ♀.

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