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《灵界经历》 第853节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 853

853. [ 1] Continuation on the city in front of Gehenna, and on the view of Gehenna from there

That city is on almost the same plane as Gehenna, but somewhat, only a little, higher; so there also appeared to me a bridge leading from the city toward Gehenna. The bridge was of the same color as their rooms, namely, gray, but was raised on either side, so that it was quite safe to cross. The bridge was rather pretty, but at the city end of it, I saw a black spirit.

He was said to stand there so that they would not cross over; for they hate what is black, and shy away from it, while gray, which is a combined color, namely, white mixed with black - the color they also usually paint the ceilings of their rooms - symbolizes self-righteousness. For white is [the color] of righteousness. But black, although it is in their white, they shun, thinking it right and even devout to do so, thus damning others from their fantasy. And so they evaluate and examine the lives and the belief of all. Indeed, all the heretics who damn to Gehenna everyone who does not believe, think and act as they do, are like this.


1. Two circles with crosses beneath were inserted here by the translator.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 853


That city is almost on the same plane as Gehenna but somewhat, though slightly, higher; wherefore there also appeared to me a bridge leading from the city towards Gehenna. The bridge was of the same color as their room, that is to say, gray. There was an elevation on each side of it, so that it could be crossed quite safely. The bridge was very beautiful. On the city side I saw a black spirit, who, it was said, was there to prevent anyone from crossing, for they hate what is black, and flee from it. But what is gray, being a general color, namely, white mixed with black, with which color they usually paint the ceilings of their rooms, signifies justification from self, whiteness being the color of justice. It is black from which they flee, although it is within their whiteness, for they suppose that they are righteous, yea, pious. Thus from their own phantasy they condemn others, and in this way they appraise and examine the lives and faith of all. Such indeed are all heretics who condemn to Gehenna everyone who does not believe, think and act as they themselves do.

Experientiae Spirituales 853 (original Latin 1748-1764)

853. [♀ ♀] Continuatio de urbe ante Gehennam, et de aspectu Gehennae inde

Urbs ea in eodem fere plano est cum Gehenna, aliquantum superius, modo parum; quare etiam mihi paruit quidam pons, qui ab urbe ducebat, versus Gehennam pons erat ejusdem coloris ac conclavia eorum, nempe grisei, sed utrinque elevatio, sic ut tutissime transiri posset, pons erat admodum pulcher, sed a parte urbis, visus mihi spiritus niger, de quo dicebatur, quod is ideo ibi esset, ne transirent, nam quod nigrum est odio habent, et hoc fugiunt, at quod griseum, qualis color est communis, nempe albedo cum nigredine mixta, quo colore conclavium tecta quoque solent illinire, significat justificationem ex se, nam albedo justitiae, nigredo est, quamvis eorum albedini inest, quam fugiunt, nam putant justum esse, imo pium, et sic damnant alios ex suamet phantasia, et sic omnium vitas et omnium fidem aestimant et examinant; imo tales sunt omnes haeretici, qui damnant ad Gehennam omnes, qui ita ac ii non credunt, cogitant, et agunt.

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