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《灵界经历》 第854节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 854

854. Such are the ones who tarry there. The black [configurations] that prompt them to go off into different rooms [847], are fantasies, which they get rid of one by one; for that is the purging process some undergo, and indeed, it can take a long time. If they fail to get rid of them, something violent slips in and strikes terror, so that whenever they go back to the same fantasies, they are secretly frightened, and thereby also purged. But those who think it is calm there [843], and who love such dwellings, are purged the most slowly.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 854

854. Those who are of such a nature tarry there. The black clouds which cause them to go away into other rooms [n. 847 are phantasies which they successively lose, this being the vastation of some, and indeed a long enduring vastation, unless something which strikes terror flows in more violently, so that whenever they return to similar phantasies, they are secretly terrified, and are vastated in this way also. Those who suppose it is tranquil there and love such habitations are vastated very slowly.

Experientiae Spirituales 854 (original Latin 1748-1764)

854. Ibi morantur qui tales sunt; nigredines, quae faciunt abeant in alia conclavia [847], sunt phantasiae, quas succesive amittunt, nam est vastatio talis quorundam quidem diuturna, si non 1

aliquid violentius influit, quod incutit terrorem, ut quoties ad similes phantasias redeunt, clam terreantur, et sic quoque vastantur, quique ibi tranquillum putant, et similia habitacula amant, ii lentissime vastantur.


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