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《灵界经历》 第86节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 86

86. About choirs of spirits and angels, and their harmonies, unity, forms, whirling and back and forth movements in speaking and acting, which image the beauty of things heavenly and spiritual. Also, about the heightening of happiness from many united into heavenly forms by the Lord. See also Rhythm, Gyre, Form, Choir, Unity, Agreement, Love, Society. [Angel; Choir; Whirling (Gyre); Form; Unity; Harmony; Speak, Speech; Happiness; Lord]

About Choirs of spirits and angels, which are small images of the kingdom of the Lord, see Form [cf. 63a]. 1[Spirit]


1. See Experiences Spirituales, Vol I, p. xxxi, locus 6.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 86


Concerning the choirs of spirits and angels, and their harmonies and union; concerning their forms, gyres, and reciprocations in speaking and acting. These are images of the form of celestial and spiritual things, and small images of the Kingdom of God Messiah. Also concerning the exaltation of happiness arising from many when united by God Messiah into heavenly forms. 1(Angelus, Chorus, Dominus, Felicitas, Forma, Gyrus, Harmonia, Loqui, Spiritus, Unio.)


1. This is probably the passage referred to in WE 3032, written early in April 1746: "The mediate blessings are those which concern society, since, for the existence of that felicity and prosperity, which is meant by a blessing, it is necessary that it be with many, who together constitute that felicity and transfuse it into themselves by a wonderful communication flowing solely from the harmony of many. The nature of the felicity flowing from this source, and of heavenly felicity, may be seen described below, namely, at the sign (). It may be transferred to the present place if this be allowable."

Experientiae Spirituales 86 (original Latin 1748-1764)

86. 1

De choris spirituum, et angelorum, et eorum harmoniis et unione, formis, gyris et reciprocationibus 2

in loquendo et agendo, quae sunt imagines formae coelestium et spiritualium; tum de exaltatione felicitatis ex pluribus in formas coelestes a Domino unitis, n. 86. [Angelus = Chorus = Gyrus]

[ad Chorus:] Vide etiam rhytmus et Gyrus et forma.

[ad Gyrus:] vide etiam Rhytmus, chorus, forma.

De choris spirituum et angelorum, et eorum harmoniis et unione, formis, gyris et reciprocationibus in loquendo et agendo, quae sunt imagines formae coelestium et spiritualium; tum de exaltatione felicitatis ex pluribus per formas coelestes a Domino unitis, n. 86. [Forma = Unio]

De choris spirituum et angelorum, et eorum harmoniis et unione, formis, gyris, et reciprocationibus in loquendo agendoque, quae sunt imagines formae coelestium et spiritualium, tum de exaltatione felicitatis ex pluribus per formas coelestes a Domino unitis, n. 86. Vide etiam consensus, unio, amor, societas. [Harmonia]

De choris spirituum et angelorum, et eorum harmoniis et unione, formis, gyris, reciprocationibus in loquendo agendoque, quae sunt imagines formae coelestium e spiritualium, n. 86, vide forma. [Loqui, Loquela]

De exaltatione felicitatis ex pluribus in formas coeleste a Domino unitis, n. 86, vide forma. [Felicitas]

De exaltatione felicitatis ex pluribus per forma coelestes a Domino, n. 86, vide forma. [Dominus]

De Choris spirituum et angelorum, qui parvae imagines regni Domini, n. 86, vide forma. [Spiritus]


1. huc fortasse refertur in [63a]; vide in praefatione hujus voluminis sub capite 'The missing numbers'" locum 6

2. The Manuscript has [ad Chorus:] repricocationibus

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