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《灵界经历》 第874节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 874

874. Again he came to me, and from an innermost longing, he begged them earnestly, saying that he desired heaven most intensely; and he would not stop. When this was heard, he was received into the company of good spirits from our earth, but these declared that he could by no means remain in their company. He was called by spirits of his own earth a skorstensfejare, 1meaning that in his bodily life he had cleaned chimneys, causing him to be of a black color, though he himself says that he is brown.


1. Swedish for "chimney sweep."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 874

874. He burned intensely with his inmost desire, and came to me again, saying that he desired heaven most intensely and was unwilling to desist. When this was heard, he was received into the company of good spirits of this earth, but they professed that he could by no means be in their company. He was called by the spirits of his own earth, "chimney sweep", 1implying that in the life of the body he had swept chimneys; he was thus of a black color, although he said that the color was brown.


1. The MS. has skorstensfejare, a Swedish word meaning a chimney sweep.

Experientiae Spirituales 874 (original Latin 1748-1764)

874. Iterum ad me venit, et cum desiderio intimo, eos flagitabat intense, dicens, quod desideret coelum intensissime, nec desistere voluit, his auditis, receptus est in consortium bonorum spirituum hujus telluris, sed fassi sunt, quod nequaquam posset esse in consortio eorum. A spiritibus suae telluris vocatus est, (skorstensfejare 1) seu quod in vita corporis purgaverit caminos, sic nigri coloris, quamvis is dicat, quod sit coloris brunei.

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