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《灵界经历》 第875节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 875

875. All this leads me to conclude that it is spirits like these who constitute the province of the seminal vessels, where the good seed gathers, together with the liquid it combines with so that it will be fit to be emitted, and later broken down in the neck of the womb; for the seminal vessels store up this substance.

His desire to go to heaven indicates his desire for regeneration, or to enter the womb so that he can be reborn a new man. In spite of his having this kind of outer form, it is by virtue of the inner form that he longs for, or desires outwardly, nothing but heaven; and it is for this reason that he was able to arouse pity. Such a desire is indeed characteristic of the particles contained in the seminal vessel.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 875

875. From this I can conclude that such are those who constitute the province of the vesiculae seminales, where the good seed is collected with the serum with which it is combined that it may be rendered fit for emission, and later be dissolved in the neck of the womb; for the seminal vessels store up such a substance. His desire for heaven indicates that he desires regeneration, or to enter the womb that he might be born anew. Although he is such in external form, nevertheless, it is from the internal that he desires nothing else than heaven or the new birth, and therefore he longs for it externally, and could hence arouse pity. There is also such a longing in those particles which are in the seminal vessel.

Experientiae Spirituales 875 (original Latin 1748-1764)

875. Exinde concludere possum, quod tales sint, qui 1

provinciam vesicularum seminalium constituunt, ubi colligitur bonum semen, cum sero, cum quo combinetur, ut aptum sit emitti, et postea in cervice uteri resolvi, nam talem substantiam recondunt vesicae seminales; quod ad coelum, cupiat, indicat, quod regenerationem cupiat, seu in uterum, ut renascatur novus; tametsi talis forma externa est, usque tamen interna est qua nihil nisi coelum, seu novam generationem desideret, sic externe cupiat, inde miserationem potuit movere. Talis cupiditas etiam est in iis particulis quae sunt in vesica seminali.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has quae ut videtur

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