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《灵界经历》 第881节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 881

881. About a bare arm shown to me [see 1754]

Again an arm was shown to me, but a bare one, bent forward. Then I was given to know that arms depict strength; for such arms convey the fear for power - as on a previous occasion, when I was frightened [cf. 541]. The force of that arm is so great that if it were allowed, it would break the bones of a living person. This is true, even though no one can believe it except from experience, frequently spoken of elsewhere sporadically.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 881


An arm was again shown me, but naked and bent forwards. It was then given me to know that arms represent strength, for such arms convey with them the fear of power, as on a former occasion when I was struck with terror. Such is the force of that arm that, if it were permitted, it could crush the bones of a living man, which is true although no one can believe it except from experience, concerning which see elsewhere in many places.

Experientiae Spirituales 881 (original Latin 1748-1764)

881. De brachio nudo mihi ostenso [vide 1754]

Iterum brachium mihi ostensum, sed nudum, inflexum antrorsum, tunc datum est mihi scire, quod brachia repraesentent robur, nam talia brachia secum ferunt timorem potentiae, sicut prius, quando territus, talis est vis brachii istius, si permitteretur, ut frangeret ossa vivi hominis, quod verum est, tametsi id nemo potest credere, nisi ab experientia, de qua alibi passim, ei multoties.

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