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《灵界经历》 第904节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 904

904. The spiritual have their own proper types of happiness that differ from those of the heavenly, as the gladness of the spiritual does from the joy of the heavenly.

In order that spiritual types of gladness or happiness may be understood, an idea of them can be gotten from the harmonies of sounds, as well as from visual harmonies. Harmonies of sound, including speech, especially the meanings of speech, pertain to spiritual harmony, and the gladness resulting therefrom is spiritual gladness, due to which the music of the Church of old, and due to which singing in the heavens, is so delightful. Likewise, visual harmony, and the various forms of beauty therefrom, which touch the mind - and beauty in general, such as that of pleasure gardens and all things of that kind, or of buildings - these also pertain to spiritual gladness. More deeply, so does [the beauty] of understanding, hence the love of truth itself, or of truths, and consequently of enlightened knowledge. Spiritual gladnesses are the forms of heavenly qualities, which are - or if they are not, yet should be - their very essence.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 904

904. The spiritual have their own proper felicities, and these are distinguished from the celestial by means of the gladness that the spiritual have and the joy the celestial have. In order that states of gladness or spiritual felicity may be understood, an idea of them can be gained from the harmonies of sounds; also from the harmonies of visual things. The harmonies of sounds, also those of speech, besides the meaning of speech, pertain to spiritual harmony. The gladness which thence results is a spiritual gladness; therefore the music of the Church of old was so delightful, as also the singing in the heavens. So likewise the harmony of visual things; hence are the varieties of beauty which affect the mind, such as beauty in general, as also the beauty of paradises and of all similar things, and that of buildings. These pertain to spiritual gladness. Then, more interior gladness is the gladness in intellectual things; hence is the love of truth itself, or of truths, consequently also of cognitions. States of spiritual gladness are the forms of celestial things which are their essentials; if they are not, they still should be.

Experientiae Spirituales 904 (original Latin 1748-1764)

904. Sunt spiritualibus suae propriae felicitates, quae distinguuntur a coelestibus, per laetitiam, quae est spiritualium, et per gaudium quod est coelestium; ut laetitiae seu felicitates spirituales intelligantur, idea earum capi potest ab harmoniis sonorum, tum ab harmoniis visualium, harmonia sonorum tum loquelae, insuper sensus loquelae, pertinent ad spiritualem harmoniam; quae laetitia inde resultat, est laetitia spiritualis, ideo musica Veteris Ecclesiae, ideo cantus in coelis tam delitiosus; similiter harmonia visualium, inde pulchritudines variae quae afficiunt mentem, ut pulchritudo in genere, sicut et paradisorum, et omnium similium, aedificiorum, haec quoque 1

ad spiritualem laetitiam pertinent; ita intimius est intellectualium, inde amor ipsius veritatis, seu veritatum, proinde etiam cognitionum; laetitiae spirituales sunt formae coelestium, quae sunt essentialia illarum; quae 2

si non sunt, usque esse debent.


1. incertum in the Manuscript; in J.F.I. Tafel's edition haecque

2. The Manuscript has illarum. quae

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