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《灵界经历》 第906节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 906

906. An angel was telling others by an angelic method how many kinds of happiness there are in the inward heaven. 1He did this by an enumeration and an angelic portrayal of them to the clear sight of the angels. But that display was not visible to me except in the form of wave-like motions, and from them I was able to learn in a general way that only the kinds of happiness of the inward heaven were being gone through. Those enumerated and vividly portrayed during the first 4 to 6 minutes amounted to 478, thus almost 500; so I would put it at 500.

Since there are that many kinds of happiness in the inward heaven, one can infer from this how many species there are, since countless species exist in each kind, and in turn how many individual types of happiness there are, since a countless number of these exist in each species. And there are many further subdivisions, such as particulars of the individual types, when each of these in turn is taken as a species or as a whole kind, lower or higher, as it is within a society where that specific or individual type of happiness abides.


1. See 262 and footnote 3.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 906

906. A certain angel related to other angels in an angelic manner how many kinds of felicities there are in the interior heaven. This he did to the distinct perception of the angels by an enumeration of them and an angelic representation. To me, however, that representation was not perceptible except by means of undulations, from which it was given me to know in a general manner that only the genera of felicities of the interior heaven were enumerated. Those which were enumerated and represented to the life within the first 4 or 6 minutes were 478 in number, thus nearly 500; hence I reckon the number 500. Since the felicities of the interior heaven are of so many genera, it can thence be concluded how many are the species, there being innumerable species of each genus; and hence how many are the particulars, these being innumerable in each species; besides the many subdivisions, namely, the particulars of particulars, since each particular is taken as a species, or as a universal genus, higher or lower, according as it is within a society where such specific or particular felicity lives.

Experientiae Spirituales 906 (original Latin 1748-1764)

906. Angelus quidam per modum angelicum aliis 1

angelis referebat quot genera felicitatum dentur in coelo interiori, et quidem per enumerationem earum, et repraesentationem angelicam, ad distinctam perceptionem angelorum, sed repraesentatio ista non mihi perceptibilis erat quam per undulationes; ex quibus datum est mihi communiter scire, quod solum genera felicitatum interioris coeli, recenserentur; quae recensita et repraesentata ad vivum, intra 4 aut 6 minuta prima, numero erant 478, sic pene 500, inde reor numerus quingenarius 2: cum tot genera felicitatum interioris coeli, inde concludi potest, quot species, cum et species innumerabiles dantur unius generis, inde quot particulares, cum innumerabiles dentur cujusvis speciei, praeter subdivisiones plures, nempe particularium particulares, dum quod vis particulare sumitur ut species seu ut genus universale inferius vel superius, ut inter societatem ubi talis specifica seu particularis felicitas vivit.


1. imperfectum in the Manuscript

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