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《灵界经历》 第909节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 909

909. So that their life might be described, a dark room appeared to me, which I do not remember [seeing before], and leaving it was a person who, during his life, had been the kind who could get hold of the goods of others by cunning or trickery. For wherever something profitable was to be expected, there his mind was; so that he placed himself in many such situations where he might, on some plausible pretext, carry off something.

This kind dwell almost where the worst deceitful hellish spirits are, at one side of hell, at man's back somewhat toward one side, verging toward the left flank. For deceits are of many varieties, these having gain as their object. They are about at the level of the shoulder blade.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 909

909. That their life might be described, there appeared to me a dark room, which I do not remember. From this room came one who during his life had been of such a nature that he could attract the goods of others to himself by cunning or other wiles; for wherever anything of the kind was to be anticipated, there was his "animus". For this purpose he would also meddle in many such things, that under some plausible pretext, he might take something away. Such spirits dwell in that room, almost where are the worst and most deceitful infernal spirits, at one side of hell, at man's back verging somewhat towards his left side; for the deceits having gain as an end are manifold. They are in about the plane of the shoulder.

Experientiae Spirituales 909 (original Latin 1748-1764)

909. Ut describatur eorum vita, apparuit mihi camera obscura, cujus non reminiscor, e qua exivit unus, qui talis in vita fuit, ut aliorum bona per astus aut alias artes allicere posset, nam ubicunque tale exspectandum erat, ibi animus ejus, quare etiam multis similibus [se] inseruit, ut inde aliquid auferret, atiquo titulo specioso, tales habitant paene ibi, ubi pessimi infernales spiritus dolosi, ab una parte inferni, a tergo hominis aliquantum versus unum latus vergens ad sinistrum ejus, nam doli sunt multiplices, hi pro fine habentes lucrum: in plano circiter scapulae.

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