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《灵界经历》 第908节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 908

908. About the greedy, and their life after death [see 384]

There are many kinds of greed, and many species. Those who are stingy, and thus by frugality have gathered and heaped up money and wealth, are penalized in a different manner after the life of the body than those who exercise greed by cheating others and acquiring wealth by any means, right or wrong. Here we refer only to the kind of greed in those who amass riches, setting the heart upon them, and placing the happiness of life therein, even though they do not do so by unlawful means.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 908


There are many genera of avarice and many species. Those who are grasping, and who thus by frugal ways gather together and accumulate money or wealth, are penalized differently, after the life of the body, from those who exercise avarice in despoiling others and acquiring wealth by means both lawful and unlawful. Here only concerning that kind of avarice in which they amass riches, hold the animus intent upon them, and place the happiness of life therein, even though they do not use unlawful means.

Experientiae Spirituales 908 (original Latin 1748-1764)

908. De avaris, eorumque vita post mortem

Avaritiae plura sunt genera, et plures species; qui tenaces sunt, et sic per parsimonias congerunt et cumulant pecunias aut opes, ii aliter post vitam corporis mulctantur, quam qui avaritiam exercent in depilandis aliis, et per fas et nefas sibi comparandis opibus, hic solum de eo avaritiae genere, quod congerant opes, et animum iis intentum habent, et in eo felicitatem vitae ponunt, tametsi non per nefas.

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