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  910. (网站注:原文无910节)

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《灵界经历》 第910节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 910

910. I heard a heavy rumbling, like that of a huge mill. It was nearly at my left side, above me, but I did not know what it was. Presently, someone was lying near me at the left side, around the same region, who, as if in sleep, said nothing but "I am nothing, I am no one, I am no one, jag ar ingenting." 1I supposed that this was the kind of purging, or desperation, that occurs before they are raised up from the lower earth; it must also be another way of expressing that he ought to be pitied.

When he sensed that I was near him, I began to speak with him, and I was able to find out that he was from that crowd that pile up riches, keeping their mind on them and deriving their deepest thrills from them, especially if there is silver and gold in their strongboxes - without having done anything deceptive or unlawful in acquiring them. I further realized that such spirits speak this way from a kind of anxiety, namely, because there are in the vicinity those who covet what belongs to others and want to acquire it deceitfully, or by trickery, and are able to justify this on various pretexts by which they cover themselves, not at all fearful for eternal life.

These [covetous spirits] being in the vicinity, trouble them, and for this reason they thus lie on their strongboxes or riches, wondering whether such are present, for they are very often molested by them. Therefore they cry out amongst themselves loudly enough that the robber will hear them, that they are nothing, that they are pitiable, and will refrain from plundering them. Such are the miserable lives of those who get their deepest joy from silver, gold and riches.

That mill, or sound like the grinding of a mill, consisted of the murmurings, each in his own way, of many such spirits, fearing that their riches might be seized.


1. Swedish for "I am nothing."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 910

910. Almost above me on the left side, I heard a kind of heavy murmur like that of a great mill, but I did not know what it was. Soon afterwards one lay down near me, on the left side in about the same region, and as if in sleep said nothing else than, "I am nothing; I am no one; I am no one; I am nothing." 1I supposed that this was a species of vastation, thus of desperation before they are carried off from the lower earth. There was another form of expression signifying that pity may be shown him. When he sensed my presence I began to speak with him, and was then given to know that he was one of that crew who amass riches and keep their "animus" intent on them. From this they derive their inmost delights, especially if there is silver and gold in their coffers, in addition to what they have acquired by some deceit or by unlawful means. Moreover, I perceived that such spirits speak in this way from a certain anxiety, and this because in the vicinity are those who yearn after what belongs to others, and want to acquire it for themselves deceitfully or by some trickery which they may be able to defend by various pretexts, and thereby render themselves safe, having no fear on account of eternal life. Because these spirits in their vicinity infest them they thus throw themselves as it were upon their coffers or wealth, and consider whether any such spirits are present; for they are very often infested by them. Hence they cry out among themselves so loudly in order that any such robber hearing that they are nothing, that they are wretched, may refrain from despoiling them. Such are the miserable lives of those who derive their inmost joy from silver, gold and wealth. The mill or the sound as of someone grinding was the murmur with its variety of many such spirits, who feared lest their riches should be seized. 2


1. In the MS. in Latin and Swedish, nihil sum, nullus sum, jag ar ingenting.

2. This sentence was inserted later in the space between the paragraphs, probably when Swedenborg was making the Index.

Experientiae Spirituales 910 (original Latin 1748-1764)

910. Audivi quoddam crassum murmur, sicut molae ingentis, id fere in sinistra parte supra me, sed ignorabam quid esset, mox unus jacuit prope me a sinistra parte circa eandem regionem, qui sicut in somno nihil aliud dixit, quam "nihil sum, nullus sum, nullus sum, jag ar ingenting 1

," autumabam quod id esset vastationis species, sic desperationis, antequam ab inferiori terra auferuntur, alia quoque formula erit, significans, quod sui misereatur; quando me prope se sentiebat, coepi cum eo loqui, et tunc scire mihi dabatur, quod aliquis esset ex ea turba, quae congerunt opes, et in iis animum tenent, ac inde intimas delitias habent, cumprimum si argentum et aurum, in cistis eorum, praeter quod 2

per aliquem dolum, aut per aliquod nefas id sibi comparavent, porro percipiebam, quod tales ex quadam anxietate ita loquantur, nempe quia in vicinia sunt illi qui alienis inhiant, et subdole ea sibi comparare volunt, seu per artificia, quae aliquibus titulis defendere possint, quibus se tutos faciunt, nihil timentes vitam aeternam, tales quia in vicinia, infestant eos, quare ita jacent sicut super suas cistas aut opes, et cogitant num adsint, nam infestantur saepius ab iis, inde secum clamant, sic foite ut audiat talis latro, quod nihil sit, quod miser sit 3

, et sic desistat ab eo spoliando, tales sunt vitae miserabiles eorum, qui gaudium suum intimum capiunt in argento, auro, ac opibus.

Mola ista seu sonus quasi commolitorius, erat plurium talium murmurum, cum sua varietate, timentium ne opes eorum raperentur.


1. = ego sum nihil (verba suecica)

2. hoc est absque quod (vide annotationem ad [292a])

3. hoc est "nihil sum, miser sum"

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