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《灵界经历》 第911节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 911

911. Moreover, because these had not acquired their money and wealth by deception or by any indiscriminate means, fair or foul, inwardly within that lamentation that they are nothing and that they are to be pitied lies something good into which later, after some time, those sayings on account of the robbers that they are nothing and are to be pitied, are gradually changed. Afterwards, when they forget the robbers and the money, they only fear spiritual robbers, and acknowledge themselves to be nothing because they can do nothing in their own defense. Then also they cry out, that the Lord may have pity on them. Thus insanity is turned into this kind of quality. 1748, 21 February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 911

911. Moreover, because they had not acquired money and wealth by deceit or by unlawful means, there is inwardly hidden in such lamentations that they are nothing and are to be commiserated, that which is good, and after a time these cries, that they are nothing and are to be commiserated on account of the robbers, are gradually changed into what is good. Afterwards, when they have forgotten about the robbers and the money, they then fear only spiritual robbers, and acknowledge that they are nothing, because they can do nothing in their own defense. Then also they cry that the Lord may have mercy upon them. Thus their insanity is turned into such a species [of sanity]. 1748, Feb. 21.

Experientiae Spirituales 911 (original Latin 1748-1764)

911. Praeterea, quia tales non per dolum aut fas sibi comparaverant pecunias et opes, intus in tali lamentatione, quod nihil sint, et quod sui misereantur, latet id, quod bonum est, in quod dein post tempus sensim mutantur ea, quod nihil sint, et sui misereantur, propter latrones: postea dum obliviscuntur latronum et pecuniae, tunc modo timent latrones spirituales, et agnoscunt quod nihil sint, quia nihil in defensionem sui agere possunt, tunc quoque clamant, ut Dominus eorum misereatur, sic vertitur insania, in talem speciem. 1748, 21 Febr.

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