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《灵界经历》 第92节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 92

92. [The index also refers to no. 93.]

Several experiences showing that spirits present with other people do not, as they do with me, see through the people's eyes nor hear through their ears, but that they have portrayed inwardly objects of sight and speech, which affect them according to their nature. See Hear, See. [Hear; See, Vision; Ear; Eye]

Spirits do not see through the eyes and hear through the ears, like they do with me, in those to whom [the spiritual world] has not been opened, see See. [Spirit; Person on earth]

How things were when for the first time it had been opened in me, and how greatly surprised the spirits were; and what their state was like when I was in human company; and other matters. See Hear. [Hear; See, Vision; Company (Association)]

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 92


Some experiences showing that with other men, with whom there has been no opening, spirits do not see through the man's eyes, nor hear through his ears, as they do with me; but that interiorly with them are representations of visual objects and of speech, and these affect them according to their nature.

(Audire, Auris, Homo, Oculus, Spiritus, Videre.)

Experientiae Spirituales 92 (original Latin 1748-1764)

92. Aliquae experientiae, quod spiritus apud alios, sicut apud me, non per oculos hominis videant, nec per aures ejus audiant; sed iis interius repraesentationes objectorum visualium et loquelae sint, quae eos afficiunt secundum naturam eorum, n. 92, 93. [Audire]

Aliquae experientiae, quod spiritus apud alios, non, sicut apud me, per oculos hominis videant, nec per aures ejus audiant, sed quod iis interius repraesentationes objectorum visus et loquelae, quae afficiunt naturam eorum, n. 92, 93. [Videre, Visio]

Quod spiritus apud alios non per oculos eorum videant, nec per aures eorum audiant, n. 92, 93, vide audire. [Auris]

Quod spiritus apud alios, non per oculos eorum videant, et per aures eorum audiant, n. 92, 93, vide videre. [Oculus]

Quod spiritus non videant aut audiant, sicut apud me, penes eos, quibus non apertum est, n. 92, 93, vide videre. [Spiritus]

Quomodo spiritus vident et audiunt apud alios, in quibus non apertum est, n. 92, 93, vide videre. [Homo]

Quomodo se res habuit, cum primum in me apertum erat, et quomodo tunc mirati valde spiritus; et qualis statuo eorum, cum in conversatione humana fui, n. 92, 93. [Audire]

Quomodo se res habuit, cum primum apertum 1

in me fuit, et quod tunc mirati valde: et qualis status spirituum cum in conversatione humana fui, et alia, n. 92, 93. [Videre, Visio]

Qualis status spirituum apud me, cum in conversatione humana fui, n. 92, 93. Vide audire. [Conversari, Conversatio]

[Vide etiam 93.]


1. ecitus inclarus in the Manuscript

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