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《灵界经历》 第925节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 925

925. In general, all those who examine souls and spirits, and are eager to do so, and take pleasure in it, belong to the provinces of the secretory organs; so that there are as many kinds of them as there are human internal organs. For there is no organ that does not in one way or another perform a secretory function; and thus there are countless kinds and species, existing in great abundance, because all the glands, of which there are two kinds, are of this nature. 1748, 22 February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 925

925. In general, all those who explore souls and spirits, and therein have their cupidities and place their pleasures, pertain to the provinces of the secretory organs. Wherefore there are as many genera of them as there are viscera in man, there being no viscus whatever which does not have a secretory function, each in its own way. Consequently there are innumerable genera and species thereof, and their abundance is immense, for all glands, of which these are two kinds, are of this nature. 1748, Feb. 22.

Experientiae Spirituales 925 (original Latin 1748-1764)

925. In genere omnes ii qui explorant animas et spiritus, et in iis cupiditates habent, seu voluptatem ponunt, ad provincias secretoriorum pertinent, quare eorum genera tot sunt, quot viscera hominis, nam nullum viscus datur, quod non quoque munere secretorio fungitur, quodlibet suo modo, quare eorum sunt genera, et sunt species innumerabiles, suntque copia ingenti, quia omnes glandulae tales sunt, quae sunt duplicis generis. 1748, die 22 Febr.

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