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《灵界经历》 第934节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 934

934. Swords and sharp points appear whenever souls are speaking differently than they are thinking

When souls speak differently than they think, as, for instance, if one says something good for the reason that it seems the right thing to say, then a sword appears, [or] as told before [929], sword points [appear] overhead, which look as if they would fall on the head of the one speaking. And even when we are not deceitful, but it just somehow seems to us that we should say so because we realize it is true - while yet our feeling does not agree with it, but dissents - then a sword appears behind the back, indicating danger. Thus do swords or their points threaten in various ways, depending on what kind of discrepancies there are between thought and speech. 1748, 22 February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 934


When souls speak otherwise than they thank, as for instance, say that which is good for the reason that it is well so to speak, there then appears a sword, the point of which is seen above the head, as though it would fall upon the head of the one speaking, as was said above, [n. 929. Further, when there is no such deceit, but it seems to one as though a thing ought to be said in a certain way because he has observed 1that it is true, and yet his "animus" does not feel in like manner, but dissents, then the sword is seen behind his back, so that he is in danger. Thus swords or their points threaten in various ways according to the nature of the discordance between the thoughts and the speech. 1748, Feb. 22.


1. In the margin: "N.B."

Experientiae Spirituales 934 (original Latin 1748-1764)

934. Quod enses et acumina appareant, quoties anima aliud loquitur, quam cogitat

Dum animae aliud loquuntur quam cogitant, ut si bonum, causa, quod ita bene sit, quum ita loquitur, tunc apparet ensis, ut prius dictum [929], ensium acumina supra caput, quae apparent tanquam inciderent in caput loquentis tum etiam cum talis non dolus est, sed quum veluti ei videatur aliquo modo ita dicendum quia animadvertit verum esse, sed tamen animus ejus non similiter sentit, sed discordat, tunc ensis post tergum apparet, sic ut in periculo sit, ita enses seu eorum acumina, vario modo imminent, secundum discordiae cogitationes loquelae qualitates. 1748, 22 Febr.

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