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《灵界经历》 第935节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 935

935. 1About the punishment of revenge and hatred, continued

The punishment of revenge is such as you see it described on the whole page visible here [939-948], because there is within revenge the most filthy meanness, that is so portrayed - namely by bodily parts thus turned hideous.

Such hideousness and meanness, therefore, are latent in revenge and hatred, and it is unavoidable that punishments of this kind result from them. And for such spirits there is a muddy swamp to the left of Gehenna, in a place lower than the feet [see 938, 947]. 193538were written, and properly belong, after 948, where we have placed them.


1. 935-38 were written, and properly belong, after 948, where we have placed them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 935


Here, on the whole open page, 1you may see described the punishment of revenge. Because within revenge are the most disgusting filthy things, these are represented in this way, namely, by members which have become thus filthy. Within revenge and hatred are such foulness and filth that it is inevitable that the like punishments should follow from them; for them there is also a miry lake at the left of Gehenna, in a place lower than the feet.


1. The manuscript page referred to contains nos. 932-938 on one side, and on the opposite page nos. 939-948. A line is drawn across the page between nos. 934 and 935. It would appear that nos. 935-938 were written after some of the following paragraphs.

Experientiae Spirituales 935 (original Latin 1748-1764)

935. De punitione vindictae et odii continuatio


Talis, ut descriptum videas a pagina hic patente tota [939-948], est punitio vindictae, quia sunt sordes foedissimae, quae insunt vindictis, quae sic repraesentantur, nempe per membra quae sic foeda facta sunt, sic vindictae seu odio tales foeditates et sordes insunt, nec evitari potest, quin similes punitiones sequantur ex iis, et pro iis quoque est stagnum coenosum a sinistra Gehennae, inferiori loco quam pedes.


1. vide annotationem ad 939 supra

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