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《灵界经历》 第943节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 943

943. Those, however, who [had harbored hatred] for some better, and what seemed to them good reason, do not dwell so far distant, but near the face, in a similar [tub-like place]. But they are within a wall that is curved at the front and, in fact, is white, as if coated with plaster, and has beautiful carvings in plaster - because their reason for contracting hatred and vengefulness had appeared beautiful to them.

A wall like this appeared to me, near my face. It was snowy white, with beautiful carvings, and it grew wider, the carvings being erased, and at the same time higher, so that eventually I could not see the top. It became less white in color, but on the inside verging toward a kind of sky blue. So it is for those who cling to such a feeling, not for an evil reason, but for some other, looking to the common good, and finally to heavenly good.

This flat wall went up and raised itself upwards, offering me the opportunity to look at it on the inside also, and I was told that in it, at the bottom, are snakes and dragons - which, however, I did not see - symbolizing hatred and revenge, which are then dispelled.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 943

943. Those, however, who [cherish hatred and revenge] from some better cause which seems good to them, dwell not so far away, but near the face in a similar place, and within a wall which is curved in front. The wall is white as though coated with plaster, with beautiful carvings made of plaster, and this, because the reason of their conceiving hatred and revenge was one that seemed beautiful to them. This wall appeared to me near my face. It was snow-white, with beautiful carvings. When the carvings were obliterated it became more extended, and at the same time higher. Afterwards, I could not see its height; its color was not so white, but was inwardly turning to a kind of blue. It is thus with those who adopt such a disposition, not from an evil cause, but from some other cause by which they intend the common good, and at length heavenly good. This flat wall changed and raised itself upwards. It was also offered me to view it on the inside, and it was said that there at the bottom are serpents and dragons - which, however, I did not see - signifying the hatred and revenge which are dissipated in this way.

Experientiae Spirituales 943 (original Latin 1748-1764)

943. Qui autem ex causa aliqua meliore sibi visa bona, ii non ita procul habitant, sed juxta faciem, in simili [quasi tonna, [941] 1

sed intra parietem, qui antrorsum incurvatus est, et quidem album, sicut incrustati gypsi, cum pulchris sculpturis factis ex gypso, quia causa, cur ceperunt odium et vindictam, iis apparuit pulchra: talis mihi apparuit prope faciem meam, niveus 2

, pulchris sculpturis, quae extensior facta, obliteratis sculpturis, et simul altior, altitudinem postea videre non potui, colore non ita niveo 3

, sed vergente intus ad quoddam coeruleum, sic pro iis qui simile affectant non ex causa mala, sed alia, ex qua bonum intenditur commune, et tandem coeleste; talis paries planus 4

evasit, et se elevabat sursum, et mihi quoque intus spectare eam offerebatur, et dictum, quod inibi ad fundum sint serpentes et dracones, quos tamen non vidi, significans odium vindictam, quae sic dissipantur.


1. vide annotationem 3

2. The Manuscript has nivea

3. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has nivea

4. In the Manuscript plana in planus emendatum esse videtur

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