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《灵界经历》 第951节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 951

951. Angels are able to examine a person's mind as if it were separate from the person

Now once again [see 542], it was as if a part of the skull had been raised up toward heaven, and looked into, and as if it had been read what the person had been like, both what he had been like in regard to his desires, and then also what he had been like in his early childhood, what he had had in mind or intended; likewise, what thoughts he had had, and what dreams.

In fact, two faces were shown to me bearing the same expressions they had when they had appeared to him in his boyhood. They resembled those against whom he had burned with rage. One of the faces was said to be like mine, although I could not recognize it; the second face was certainly a man's, but attractive like that of a rather adult virgin.

In short, nothing in a mind being examined that the Lord allows to be disclosed, is left uncovered - neither thoughts, nor character acquired by deeds, nor anything else.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 951


Part of the cranium of a certain spirit was again elevated as if toward heaven and inspected there, and what his nature had been as to his cupidities was read, as it were; and also what it had been in his infancy, what he had in mind [animus] or what he had intended; likewise the nature of the thoughts he had had, and also his dreams. Indeed, from his face there were shown me two faces which had appeared to him in childhood, similar to those against whom he had been incensed. It was said one face was like mine, but I could not recognize it; the other face was indeed that of a man, but better looking like that of a full grown virgin. In a word, in the mind [animus] undergoing exploration nothing is left undisclosed which the Lord permits to be disclosed, both the things he has thought, and the disposition he has contracted by actuality, as well as everything else.

Experientiae Spirituales 951 (original Latin 1748-1764)

951. Quod angeli animum hominis separatum quasi ab homine examinare queant

Nunc iterum sublata 1

est quasi cranii pars versus coelum, et inibi inspectum, et quasi lectum, qualis fuerat, tam quoad ejus cupiditates, qualis fuerat, tum etiam qualis in infantia, quid animo habuerat seu intenderat, similiter qualia 2

cogitata habuerat, tum quae somnia, imo facies binae mihi ostensae sunt ex 3

facie, quae apparuerunt ei in pueritia, iis similes, contra quas exarserat, una facies dicebatur quod meae similis esset, sed id non potui agnoscere, altera facies erat quidem viri, sed speciosa sicut virginis adultioris; verbo nihil non detegitur in explorato animo, quod conceditur a Domino detegi, tam cogitata quam indoles attracta ex actualitate, quam omnia alia.


1. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition Manuscript sublatum forte in sublata emendatum

2. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition Manuscript quale

3. forte legendum ea

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