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《灵界经历》 第962节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 962

962. Therefore, the suprarenal glands remove the impurities in the blood spirits, and the Kidneys the impurities in the blood serum, accomplishing this in more or less the same way. They work by a process of attraction, this being the way the organ functions.

In like manner do the spirits in that province work, because that is their nature. No sooner does a corresponding [spiritual] condition arise in the purer realm, whereby bodily elements a person or a soul brings along cannot be separated, those spirits, by a cooperative force that works in proportion to the outreach of their field of energy, join in. They arouse and attract [those bodily elements], and thereby free the better and purer elements from the more impure - in fact filthy and rotten ones.

It is evil spirits, therefore, who wipe them away. But they do not become the worse for it, but are obliged to perform such functions before they become better, or are reformed.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 962

962. Therefore, the succenturiate kidneys take away the impurities of the spirits of the blood, and the kidneys the impurities of the serum of the blood, and this in a like manner as it were. They act by attraction, the organ doing the acting. The spirits of that province act in a similar manner. They are such that as soon as anything corresponding in the purer sphere is excited, then, since the corporeal things which the man or soul has with him cannot be separated, therefore by a cooperative force, which acts at a distance according to the sphere of their activity, they associate themselves, excite, attract, and so free the better and purer things from the more impure, even from those that are foul and putrid. Wherefore it is evil spirits who drive such things away. They do not on that account become worse, however, for they must perform such functions before they become better, or are reformed.

Experientiae Spirituales 962 (original Latin 1748-1764)

962. Idcirco renes succenturiati immunda spirituum sanguinis, et Renes immunda seri sanguinis auferunt, similiter quasi efficiunt, agunt per attractionem, ita viscere agente; similiter etiam spiritus in provincia ista, quia tales sunt utprimum aliquid excitatur correspondens in puriori sphaera, tunc quia separari in homine, aut in anima, quae corporea secum habet, nequeunt, ideo ii spiritus per vim cooperatricem, quae fit ad distantiam secundum sphaeram activitatis eorum, se associant, [ea] excitant, attrahunt, et sic liberant meliora et puriora ab immundioribus-imo 1

a spurcis et putidis; quare spiritus mali sunt qui abstergunt-inde 2

tamen non deteriores fiunt, sed talia munia obire debent, antequam meliores fiunt, aut reformantur.


1. The Manuscript has immundioribus, imo

2. The Manuscript has abstergunt, inde

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