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《灵界经历》 第963节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 963

963. When spirits keep their imaginations fixed upon elements of this kind [961], and if this is portrayed before spirits' eyes, it appears as though something were being lifted up, like the bodily callus you may see spoken of earlier [862, 958]. But it is simply a concentration of their minds on these elements, so that they quiet down and cannot act together with inward elements. When they are no longer visible, then a substance like the interior medulla appears. But because they are keeping their eyes upon outward elements as their goal, therefore that something appears to be lifted up before their eyes, thus brought under their sight.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 963

963. When spirits hold back their phantasies in this manner, if this is then represented before the eyes of spirits, it appears as though something was as it were lifted up, as you may see stated above concerning the corporeal callus [n. 958 ]. This, however, is only the detention of their minds [animus] upon such things so that they may thereby become quiescent. They cannot work together with interior things since these do not appear. An interior medullary substance, as it were, then appears, and because they keep their eyes intent on things more exterior than the end, it therefore appears as though it were raised up to their eyes, and thus subjected to their sight.

Experientiae Spirituales 963 (original Latin 1748-1764)

963. Quando spiritus detinent phantasias suas in [immundioribus] hujuscemodi, tunc si repraesentatur hoc coram oculis spirituum, apparet sicut sublevaretur, ut de callo corporeo prius dictum videas [862, 958]; sed est modo detentio animorum in iis 1

, sic ut inde quiescant, nec simul cum interioribus possunt: quum non apparent, tunc interior quasi medulla apparet, et quia oculos detinent in exterioribus fine, idcirco apparet hoc quasi elevatum ad oculos, sic oculis eorum subjectum.


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